
Already a Nespresso customer?

Select "Yes" for the question "Have you ever bought Nespresso coffee?"

Indicate your client number & postal code

Then you can continuously benefit from the rewards program.

Have you placed an online order before?

Then you already have an online account and you can log-in here.

If not, you can activate your online account below and place your first online order.

All fields with an * are mandatory.
All fields with an * are mandatory.
All fields with an * are mandatory.
All fields with an * are mandatory.

You have to include capital letters, numbers and do not use your previous passwords.


Where can you find your membership number?

All fields with an * are mandatory.
All fields with an * are mandatory.

By clicking on “Continue”, you acknowledge having read Nespresso Privacy Notice.

The highlighted fields must be corrected before going further.